What: Join Vitalant along with Republic Community Blood Drive Volunteers led by Lacy Sharbono who will be coordinating the blood drive. Where: Ferry County Hospital Outside Bus When: Date: Tuesday, ...
Pass-the-hat cover charge Bryson Evans has been described as having an instant smooth voice that audiences find captivating. While traveling all around playing acoustic guitar, he leaves his audience wanting ...
Monthly paints nights with local instructor, Linda Thiele. No experience needed! $30 registration fee includes all supplies. Please contact Linda to save your spot at 775-3267.
Pass the hat cover Here’s something different for you! North Wind uses futuristic technology to create cinematic musical experiences. Using an instrument of his own creation, North Wind manipulates sound ...
Join your fellow Bavarian wannabes for beer, food and fun. RBC will release true Bavarian style beers as well as giveaways, games and prizes for everyone in costume both days. ...
You are in for a treat! $14 ($12 if you pay at the brewery) Seated only concert - a listening show (zip it please!) On his last two albums, Jason ...
$18 + tax/person Join us for an evening of wine tasting, discussions of flavoring notes and fun with friends and RBC family. Light snacks will be served to cleanse the ...
Halloween costume contest at RBC along with Live Music by Los Rusteros at 7:00pm! BWAAAAHAHAHAHA! Beer Music
Halloween fun
It's going to be SPOOKTACULAR!!
Join your friends and neighbors from around Ferry County in Curlew, Washington for the annual Curlew Christmas Bazaar! Held on November 2, 2019 at the Curlew Civic Hall in downtown ...
Get ready to stock up for the holidays and meet local artists and artisans! The annual Kettle River Weavers and Artisans Holiday Sale will be held on: November 8th from ...